Monday, February 7, 2011


So, I went to Vienna.  I went for a conference, which was lovely, and got to enjoy the city around me while I was there.  Ever since I was quite young, I have always had this grand image of enjoying breakfast in a cafe in Vienna.  Why Vienna? my mother once asked me.  But why not Vienna? was all I could think.  The answer, as pictured above, was quite clear to me.  The pastries, the ambiance, a marble table, Vienna itself, really what other reasons does one need?  I realize some things you imagine while young don't turn out to be quite like you expected when you actually do them.  This, however, was just like I imagined, and I have quite an imagination.  Sitting in Cafe Sacher, there I was, many years after the notion first struck me, having my Sachertorte and sipping a wonderful Viennese coffee creation at a little marble table.  Some things you imagine turn out just as you expected.