Monday, January 17, 2011

La Reine de Saba

So, this is where my night wound up.  It all ended in chocolate cake.  Not just any cake, mind you, but the queen of cakes.  Isn't it lovely?  Here I sit at 11:30 pm, savoring my just finished creation, as I took the notion to make this at about 8:30.  Not bad considering it had to cool before I could ice it.  A little impromptu cake baking never hurt anyone, and I did have a rather large block of Callebaut chocolate staring me in the face every time I walked into the kitchen pantry.

This is quite possibly my favorite cake, and that is saying something.  I love to make it and I really love to eat it.  Tonight just seemed like a great night for a Reine de Saba (Queen of Sheba) cake, since I was feeling especially domestic goddessy.  (Then again, wouldn't any night be a great night for Reine de Saba?) Since I had already made a pan roasted pork loin for dinner and indulged in my roommate's fabulous chocolate orange muffins, it didn't seem right to stop the evening short of a little more decadence.  Do I feel a bit like the Queen of Sheba?  Eating this cake, why yes I do.

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